A form of visualization which uses 3D assets and physical simulation to plan live-action stunts.
Methods used to manipulate still images to appear as moving. Can be traditional, computer-generated, real-time, etc.
The process of revising raw footage and other source material into a final version.
A combination of motion techniques to encompass an actor's entire performance.
The team or person whose responsibilities include development and financing.
The team responsible for the overall aesthetic of the story and set design/construction.
A software development environment designed for the creation and display of real-time interactive content.
The specific area of responsibility for an individual on a production project.
The process of assembling components from different vendors into a single, integrated solution.
The process of determining the position and orientation of a camera or other object relative to the scene.
The intersection between the real-time crew, art department, VAD, physical production, visual effects, and post-production.
The process of creating or manipulating imagery outside the context of a live-action shot.
The team of artists and engineers operating the equipment that drives a smart stage or any space used for virtual production.